Thursday, May 01, 2008

Worship as a way of life

In the past I have written about the ‘essence of worship’, that is the fundamental substance of worship, what the ingredients are that make worship,worship.

I proposed that faith, truth and intimacy are absolutely necessary to our worship experience. The fact is worship is a subject that volumes have been written about. When I began leading and teaching on worship in the late 70’s there was very little written about the popular style of worship that has now emerged and is sweeping the earth. Today it’s virtually become and industry and without a doubt has been commercialized. I’m not going to address that in this column, my point is worship is an area that has captured the attention and interest of millions and can be explored extensively.

Therefore, any column, article, book or message given on the subject to one degree or another will fail to address all the issues related to this subject. I lay all this out as a backdrop to my column on ‘Worship As A Way Of Life’, I confess up front I’m just scratching the surface and in no way can exhaust the subject here, that said hopefully it will serve to encourage you and edify your worship life and experience.

Over the past three decades, worship has become a very hot topic and an area that has emerged as an essential part of almost every expression of our faith. Baptist, Pentecostal, Methodist, Catholic, Presbyterian, you name it in almost every case ‘modern’, ‘contemporary’, ‘emergent’ worship has taken root and has influenced the way we ‘do church’. Churches look different and sound different than they did 30 years ago and in my opinion it’s for the better. All of the afore mentioned points to the outward expressions of worship. But more important than what is happening on the outside is what is happening inside. It is essential that our outward expressions be consistent with an inward reality. We know that Jesus said ‘we must worship in spirit and truth’, (Jo.4:24) in rebuking the Pharisees, Jesus said, ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain: their teachings are but rules made by men” (Matt. 15:8)

What is expressed in worship outwardly must be heart connected. If not, we can bow low, dance, lift our hands and it is nothing more than a religious exercise.

Worship as a way of life is expressed in the person who cares more about what God desires than what people think.

The ultimate expression of worship is the life that is fully devoted to the will of God. When we seek justice, stand in defense of the defenseless, care for the poor, minister to the imprisoned, care for and protect our children, we are expressing worship at the highest level. When we do this worship has goes from reciting liturgy, singing songs and looking into God’s word, to being responsive to his Word and obeying His commands. True worship and devotion affects everything and goes beyond the confines of our ‘worship services’, service flows from worship.

When we gather for worship we should experience the power and presence of God, having our hearts warmed and our lives filled. From this fullness we freely and generously give out of the abundance that has been given us, that all may worship and give God glory.

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