Thursday, May 22, 2008

It Blows My Mind!

I love the church.   I believe in the church.   I believe the church will survive and will continue to express Gods purpose and plans for the world. That said, it's absolutely amazing that this is true. The church is so fragmented, so divided, so eclectic and sometimes just plan dumb. Case in point;  I have a friend who planted a church over 10 years ago and has gone through some difficult times lately. People around him expressed concern for him and the Board gave him a year's sabbatical, with the purpose of him being able to rest and recoup. The problem is they have handled it just like a Board and not a community of faith. He was notified via an email of this decision and its 'requirements', a couple of which were amazing. He is not to step foot on the property, nor attend services there. I know that could be explained as not wanting him to engage.  If that was the case, don't send that in an email; dialogue with the man so he can catch your spirit. 

When I read the letter from the Board, it felt punitive and like a banishment, not an act of love and concern. It is simply not right for us not to talk to one another and meet face to face, to argue, cry, laugh;  whatever needs to happen, it needs to happen together. What it seems like to me is there are people who have issues with my friend and they don't have the courage to express those to his face, so under the cover of a Board decision, based on private discussions, edicts are handed down. 'Hey buddy we're really concerned about you and we really want to see you rest and healed up, just don't do it with us!' The the community of faith where a person is called and has ministered for over a decade, isn't the right place to fellowship, worship and experience healing. It just blows my mind......more later.


Linda Loo said...

So sad this is. My heart goes out to your friend. I am thankful that you are in his life during this time. I know that you have been such an encourager in my life these many decades. You loved me and supported me in season, out of season and have directed me towards Jesus. I'm grateful to have a big brother like you.
As for the board, this kind of thing happens WAY too often.
What about that song, "they'll know we are Christians by our love?"

Anonymous said...

It is awful. How can a "Board", a corporate type of elder or deacon, not hold themselves to a standard that I'm sure they've held their pastor to for a decade? Is the pastor accountable to the Board? Who is the Board accountable to? Do people see that this type of governmental system breaks down sometimes with terrible consequences? What does a system look like that works as is should? I am horrified again. I can't imagine the pain this pastor is feeling. I'm glad your friend has you at this time.

Anonymous said...

I can identify completely with this scenario. My wife and I pastored a church for 16 years, and we felt God lead us to turn it over to our elders while we persued a vision of having a 24x7 worship center AS A PART of the we would not be the pastors, but "pastor emeritus" and leader of the worship center. The elders agreed, and we executed the plan and went on vacation for 2 weeks. When we came back, the elders asked us not to come back to church for an indefinate period of time, without any discussion with us. After 6 months, the congregation found out about this, and the church died in a matter of weeks. Carl#2...