Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Not my thoughts, but something to think about!




Bernard of Clairveaux

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Friday, October 20, 2006

Vineyard Blog

People have asked me where is my 'Vineyard blog', it's in the March archives. If you can't find it there let me know, I think I can get it to you. Thanks for your interest.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

God. Wow!

From the New Heritage Dictionary:
To form, plan, or arrange in the mind; design or contrive: devised a new system for handling mail orders.

Many of us have made mistakes, sinned, blew it, screwed up, whatever you want to call it. We have tried to mess this thing called life up in so many ways that it's hard to believe we are still standing.
What blows me away in my case is that I'm not just still standing, I am thriving. I have a more dependent and fruitful life in God now than I've had in decades, literally.
It is not because I have read the Bible more, prayed more, witnesses more, served more, sacrificed more or anything like that. I don't do those things to be blessed, I do those things because I am blessed.
I have had number of people tell me of late that they believe that God is doing great things in me, that I am in a season of favor and blessing. Well it is not because I deserve it or have earned it. The very most I have done is not quit, that's been my big part in this. I have never stopped believing in God or His good intentions for me, even when things were agonizing and dark. Even when I had absolutely nothing and couldn't figure out how I would ever see the light of day, I just couldn't stop believing in Him. I must state also I wasn't really counting on things getting better. I figured if it was my lot to live in that condition, so be it, I knew God didn't owe me anything. The truth is and I know it's not this way for everyone, but I had to come to a place of having nothing, so I could know I had Him, or better yet He had me.
You see there is evidence that God is a schemer, that he figures out how to bring about good from bad. He brings beauty forth from the ashes, revives, restores, strengthens and blesses. Even when we are outcast, when we feel abandoned and lost, God is making plans, devising ways to bring us back, even from death to life. It is way bigger than devising a 'system for delivering mail orders', he devises ways to deliver us!

There is this fascinating verse in 2Samuel 14:14

Like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be recovered, so we must die. But God does not take away life; instead, he devises ways so that a banished person may not remain estranged from him.

This was stated in reference to Absalom , who had been sent to a 'city of banishment', a place from which no one returned. Yet it was God's heart to bring back someone from such a place as this. A place he deserved to be in. A place he was required to stay in! Still God was planning, figuring out, making a way, for the banished person to be restored to his family, to community, to life.
Can you imagine the God who said, "Let there be light and there was light", trying to 'devise' a way to bring good out of bad. It may seem like a tall order for you and me, but it isn't much of a challenge for God at all. It is His heart to do so, it is in His nature to redeem. He specializes in building with flawed materials. Have you ever read the Bible? Some of those folks had some serious problems and yet God was able to do remarkable, miraculous things through them.
The players have changed today, the people we read about in scripture are long gone, but God is the same, 'yesterday today and forever'. ' He is faithful even when we are faithless', how do you lose in a deal like this?
He starts and He finishes, He never fails and His love endures forever. Amen and amen!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Friends a different view

In another blog I wrote something to the effect that everyone who calls themselves your friend isn't necessarily your friend.' I certainly came at it from a more critical point of view, which I think is alright, actually I think it's good. If we never looked at things critically Christians wouldn't have their faith today. It was Paul's criticism of Judaism that gave us the letter to the Galatians. The Apostle John's concerns regarding Gnosticism, simply stated, spiritual elitism, that gave us 1John. Without criticism we wouldn't have The Apostles Creed, the Church counsels or loads of other important things. In other words I believe we should examine things to see if they are true, kind of a Berean thing.
Having made that clear as mud, let me proceed to wax eloquent about the beauty of friendship. If you have friends, people who know you and love you, you are a very fortunate person. Friendship is such a wonderful gift, it keeps one safe, it keeps us growing and moving forward. There is no way that I would be where I am today on my own, I have needed friends to help me, sometimes carry me. They helped me to believe that everything was going to be okay, that I would make it if I just hung on. The friends God has given me have made all the difference in the world to my life. They have given to me when I had absolutely nothing to give in return. They have brought healing to me, have nursed me along that way and have supported me as I have made my first feeble steps forward. To have friends that love you unconditionally, who stand with you and stand up for you is something I hope everyone experiences.
The truth is I didn't even know I had friends like this until I was in a difficult and dark place, it became very evident to me that I did because they came an met me there.
What has made me think about my old friends, is the new friends that I am making. I couldn't make new friends now if it wasn't for the kindness and generosity of my old friends, so I even owe that to them. I am grateful because making new friends has enriched me so much, bringing new challenges to me,
stretching me, making me think and bringing me joy. There was honestly a point in time that I felt I could never be happy again and I was resigned to it, believing I didn't deserve to be happy anyway. But that's not the case, I feel alive again, I have hope, dare I say I am enjoying life.
Now I want to be a great friend, I want to be someone who is faithful, loyal and loving. I want to give out of the abundance that God has given me, I am willing to risk, I am willing to lose.
There was a time I would have thought only of self preservation, not wanting to experience hurt or loss again. But then you meet people who draw you out, who cause you to risk, because the reward is so attractive. If you can know and be known and loved, it is worth the risk. If you are stirred up to be better, to do better, it is worth the risk. If you can add something to someones life, if you can bring healing to someone else, it is worth the risk.
God gives us so many gifts, he is so generous in all His ways to us and I'm thinking one of the greatest gifts He gives us is friendship.