Saturday, July 12, 2008

Andy Park in the House

I'm sitting at the church listening to Andy Park do a sound check.  He's leading a night of worship tonight and at our service tomorrow.
I am always moved when he leads; there is so much content in the songs he sings and it always causes me to connect in a special way for some reason.
I don't really have much to say about it, just that I am blessed and thankful once again for those with the gift and anointing to lead worship.   I think regarding myself, I take it for granted, but when I am able to experience it, I realize how blessed and powerful it is.


Keith said...

Well if I can say so Carl, I felt that way when you led worship and spoke at The Vineyard in Gilbert AZ a few years ago.


Anonymous said...

The Andy Park worship event at Faith Community Church was outstanding.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Keith! I feel the same way every Sunday and Wednesday at Faith when you lead worship. We are truly blessed to have you as our worship pastor! You definitely have the gifts and the anointing!

Anonymous said...

Carl, I was at a conference in CA many years ago where you and a few other people led worship: I always looked forward to the times when you led it. If I remember correctly, during one set you were complaining about having to follow a well-known and powerful gospel voice who had just performed! Little did you know that when you led worship it seemed like billows of love rolled out over us--always amazing to me. I was longing to worship, not to be entertained. Those gifts are irrevocable! I recently watched on GodTV a conference based in Vancouver where Brian Doerkson led the worship, and I wept as I listened to it. How I miss that Vineyard rain! I don't want to deify any particular movement, but the way the Spirit moved on the Vineyard was always remarkable to me. That was years ago, of course, and I've "been there, done that, got the T-shirt" on many spiritual seasons since then. Music styles have evolved remarkably since then with LOTS of interesting and valuable expressions of worship, but the one that I love the most and truthfully believe I see the Spirit respond most powerfully to is that stunning, intimate, bedroom worship: the place where we pour out our love on Him. It had the power to truly change people as they worshipped: something I see so little of these days. I pray something so precious never gets left behind.