Saturday, July 14, 2007

Man I'm a bad blogger!

If blogging requires writing your thoughts daily than I'm am the worst. I get side tracked and focused on other stuff and simply forget to do it. Not that it's all that important to anyone else, I have found though it can be good for me to get my thoughts out.

So here are some random thoughts. I just had my three youngest kids around for a few weeks and it was wonderful. My youngest are 13, 15 and 17, it's amazing how fast time has gone by and how much they have grown up. Sophie the 17 year old just competed a trip to Nicaragua with a team from my church to an orphanage established by Builder for Children. I was really pleased that she went and love her heart for the poor and especially for children.

Of course as you get older you appreciate that things that really matter more and more, it is especially true for me regarding my children. They have made life worth it and really keep me focused and engaged in the future. Even when things don't work out the way you think they should or as you had wished, they make all the ups and downs worth it.

I have allot of thoughts flowing around these days but will have to get them organized and start writing them out and hopefully some of you will interact with me regarding them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bad blogger, bad blogger.

Welcome back. I am looking forward to reading what has been bouncing around inside your head.
