Wednesday, October 11, 2006

God. Wow!

From the New Heritage Dictionary:
To form, plan, or arrange in the mind; design or contrive: devised a new system for handling mail orders.

Many of us have made mistakes, sinned, blew it, screwed up, whatever you want to call it. We have tried to mess this thing called life up in so many ways that it's hard to believe we are still standing.
What blows me away in my case is that I'm not just still standing, I am thriving. I have a more dependent and fruitful life in God now than I've had in decades, literally.
It is not because I have read the Bible more, prayed more, witnesses more, served more, sacrificed more or anything like that. I don't do those things to be blessed, I do those things because I am blessed.
I have had number of people tell me of late that they believe that God is doing great things in me, that I am in a season of favor and blessing. Well it is not because I deserve it or have earned it. The very most I have done is not quit, that's been my big part in this. I have never stopped believing in God or His good intentions for me, even when things were agonizing and dark. Even when I had absolutely nothing and couldn't figure out how I would ever see the light of day, I just couldn't stop believing in Him. I must state also I wasn't really counting on things getting better. I figured if it was my lot to live in that condition, so be it, I knew God didn't owe me anything. The truth is and I know it's not this way for everyone, but I had to come to a place of having nothing, so I could know I had Him, or better yet He had me.
You see there is evidence that God is a schemer, that he figures out how to bring about good from bad. He brings beauty forth from the ashes, revives, restores, strengthens and blesses. Even when we are outcast, when we feel abandoned and lost, God is making plans, devising ways to bring us back, even from death to life. It is way bigger than devising a 'system for delivering mail orders', he devises ways to deliver us!

There is this fascinating verse in 2Samuel 14:14

Like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be recovered, so we must die. But God does not take away life; instead, he devises ways so that a banished person may not remain estranged from him.

This was stated in reference to Absalom , who had been sent to a 'city of banishment', a place from which no one returned. Yet it was God's heart to bring back someone from such a place as this. A place he deserved to be in. A place he was required to stay in! Still God was planning, figuring out, making a way, for the banished person to be restored to his family, to community, to life.
Can you imagine the God who said, "Let there be light and there was light", trying to 'devise' a way to bring good out of bad. It may seem like a tall order for you and me, but it isn't much of a challenge for God at all. It is His heart to do so, it is in His nature to redeem. He specializes in building with flawed materials. Have you ever read the Bible? Some of those folks had some serious problems and yet God was able to do remarkable, miraculous things through them.
The players have changed today, the people we read about in scripture are long gone, but God is the same, 'yesterday today and forever'. ' He is faithful even when we are faithless', how do you lose in a deal like this?
He starts and He finishes, He never fails and His love endures forever. Amen and amen!


Anonymous said...

i have to say His plans are never what we expect them to be, my mind boggles at the many wonders He performs...


Anonymous said...

Carl, How nice to be out of intense pain. You dealt with it for quite a time. My heart went out to you, and as a result my morning rule of prayer always included you.

For those of us who have children, we know that at times we will need to wield pain in their lives to teach them. Sometimes this may invoke loss of priveledge, or if they are a bit younger perhaps give a swat on the fanny. We know they need pain to teach them! Yet when we become adults and God uses pain on us, we either ignore it, or say that the person causing us pain was out of line. We lie to ourselves continually. The best part of Churches is NOT THE GREAT PASTOR in the pulpit. No, it is that person you hate dealing with. Having to be patient and perhaps hold your tongue when you feel they are difficult. You can see their sin. The question is, can you see yours? This is what makes you grow, not gaining a concept from a sermon.

Lastly, PLEASE IGNORE those telling you that God is using you. Please ignore those saying that this is some special season of your life. All seasons are special. All are from God. That is never the question. The question is if we will respond to him. People's well-intentioned comments are inappropriate the majority of the time. We can't even figure ourselves out let alone what God is doing with someone else. Never forget that many people who used to tell you how "God is using you" turned on you in a heartbeat before. I'm not saying to be rude to them. Only to politely ignore it. God is way too big for any of us to figure out what He is really doing.

Lord have mercy, Bruce

carlt said...

Don't worry Brucie, I won't let it go to my head. But I do let it go to my heart, that God will use the hurt and pain to bring comfort to others that I never could have before.
I love you friend.


Anonymous said...

I posted this on your blog for a bigger point than just you. If anything given what you went through with those you thought your friends, your head had perhaps become too deflated for these past few years.

For all of us, when people say things like, "What a blessing you are, God is using you"-- we tend to hear this and believe it. When others may say "You should never minister again- you are a mess"--we say "Who are you to judge me?"

Actually both examples are full of judgement. For you personally, it is nice to finally get some positive feedback, instead of the constant rejection you received for years. But a regular diet of either is deadly. I will say that the regular butt-kissing that goes on with people who are in visible positions is FAR more deadly to the soul than the rejection you received. Your years of being rejected did for you what all the years of being told you were anointed could not.

Am I off base? Regularly I am!


Anonymous said...

Perhaps what God may want from us is a most simple thing. Read a good book now and then, get some exercise, and be nice too each other. Why is it that either someone else or even ourselves would think that we are to be anything more. If there is some great destiny that God wants for us it will happen no matter what and when we are not even aware that it is happening. Don't let yourself run into another brick wall of "God has a purpose for you" yet. I have seen alot of Christians, Yogies, Buddhist, etc... make that mistake. Carl, you are special just being you. Do you think that in itself might be God's purpose for you all along?

Anonymous said...

Leslie, I love what you said here!

carlt said...

Bruce, I don't disagree with you. You are right in that if you are seeking to buttress your empty soul with the praise of man it is useless and you don't really learn anything from it. But I think when you are 'more centered' in God you can accept affirmation without distorting its meaning.
A child who is uncertain of love acts out in ways to gain attention and love. A chlld who knows he/she is loved generally doesn't act out seeking affirmation, but when it comes they are able to absorb it without distorting it.
Knowing that I am loved by God gives me some perspective that I never would have had before, when I was seeking assurance of His love before in the praise and admiration of others. Ouch.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Bruce! ;D

Anonymous said...

Carl, I agree with what you are saying although the biggest reason I agree is that you are a Christian who has attempted to walk with God for almost 40 years now. I agree with what is being said here in regards to you personally. The biggest reason I agree is that you have gone through a brutal seaon prior to this. For the young or newer Christian, this type of praise can do serious damage. The Bibile tells us that "the heart is deceitfully wicked, who can know it?" I lie to myself regularly about myself. I hate looking at what I am. I will do anything to avoid it. And for many seasons, the praise of men allowed me to convince myself I was OK. I am not. In your case, after knowing you for 40 years, I do know that your connection with God has been worked out in and through the life of the Church. (notice capital letters on Church)!! This connection had turned brutally on you for the better part of 7-8 years. In light of this, for you to finally receive some kind words is an absolutely wonderful thing and would seem to be from God Himself. I'm so glad people are finally showing you some kindness. For the rest of us, who haven't necessarily been brutalized for the better part of a decade, be very careful about your giving and receiving many "empty praises" that can make you avoid the horror of both your and my sin. Showing kindness, love, and support is always appropriate. But telling people how "God is using you- you are so annointed" is one innapropriate thing to say. We need to talk less, and pray more!!