Sunday, February 12, 2006

On Worship

I have begun leading worship on a regular basis at a local church, it's probably been 20 plus years since I was the primary worship leader anyplace. I really love much of the new music and have been enjoying it for years. Although the music has changed my approach hasn't. I don't see myself as a 'worship artist', or see myself performing in the classic sense. What I seek to do is through song help people to engage their hearts with the heart of God. The idea for me is to somehow help people to call to remembrance who He is, what He has done, His faithfulness, love and mercy, in doing so I think they will experience a refreshing and that their faith will be strengthened. I don't talk much or do any real exhorting of the 'congregation', I think it's the Holy Spirits job to do that. So what if people are standing with hands lifted up, if it isn't happening in their hearts. 'Those who worship must worship in spirit and in truth', which is God territory not mine. I just try to lead a seamless, flowing 'worship set' that allows for all of the above. Make sense?


Timothy said...


Blessings on you in your "new" endeavor. Being involved in the Vineyard since 1987, I always loved worshiping with you. Your songs always have been some of my very favorites.

Glad you are continuing to follow God and accept His love and giftings He placed in you. I, too, went through such a trial and He gave me essentially the same message as He gave You.

I haven't recovered even to the extent you have, but I'm getting there ;)



Anonymous said...

I find myself here looking for some sort of anchoring...i have known (or thot i knew) what worship is and have been leading in the kinship setting, exclusively. I have always shunned the larger setting because my voice sucks – i am good when leading songs the group knows but so very lost when trying to do new songs….i have been really happy with my nicely defined boundaries much like a small child who knows not to play in the street but to stay obediently in the yard. I read this information here and find that safe place again, being reminded this is God’s territory, not mine. All that, to say this, I am being stretched farther than i have ever imagined i could be….i hope the traffic is light as i stand, feeling so vulnerable, playing worship in the middle of the street. Thank you for your examples over the years, i really was paying attention even tho i may have looked like i was dozing off.

as ever, ~rich