Monday, November 14, 2005

Relationship or Religion

When I first became a Christian, one of the statements that I heard often went something like this, ' The difference between Christianity and other religions is that Christianity is a relationship not a religion.' I believe that this is true.

I'm wondering though do we talk relationship and do religion? Do we rely on ' principles' 'keys' 'steps' and 'choices' or are we engaged in a relationship that is, in a sense, renewed each day. Do we do the disciplines so we can have relationship? Or Do we have a relationship and therefore do the disciplines? Is it 'walking in the Spirit', that leads us to not fulfill the desires of the flesh? Or Is is simply a matter of making right choices? Is there a difference? I think there is, one is relationship based and one is more programmatic and frankly self reliant. One can be done in ones own strength and ability, the other can only be achieved through dependence and need.

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