Thursday, September 14, 2006

I am part of a church because.......

Recently (Febuary)I became an active member of a local church, that's recent when you consider I wasn't really connected for about 9 years. Church is a quirky thing in our day and age at least it is in my opinion, you can pretty much pitch your tent anywhere you want, gather a group of people, develop a set of rules and call it church. It's hard for Protestants to say much to defend the constant fragmentation of 'the church'. I think the Orthodox and Catholics can argue for consistency and continuity far more persuasively than 'we' can. I hate to place myself in the 'we' but that's who I am. I looked into Orthodoxy and I was a Catholic, so to some degree I understand there positions. More importantly I appreciate them and believe we have allot to learn from them, but that's another blog at another time.
What I am writing about is my connection to a local church and why. I was confirmed Catholic and converted to Protestantism when I was eleven and joined up with the fundamentalist evangelical sect of that stream. I went from being a Quaker, the West Coast version, to Calvary Chapel to Vineyard. And yes C.C. and Vineyard are fundamentalist at the core. From that early age I became involved at a level that could put a full time minister to shame. I was at everything and doing anything needed from the time I was 11 to 43. At that point I hit the wall, had lost any sense of direction, I was just an all around mess for a while. Was the time and energy that I gave to 'the ministry' worth the loss? The answer was clear, No! Opportunity isn't the same thing as doing the Lords work. It took it's toll and for almost a decade, with the exception of putting my toe back in the water here and there, I avoided 'church'. To be frank, I felt it did me more harm than good for a boat load of reasons. I became so tired of the hype, the promises, the visions, missions and calls to action by insecure and ambitious people. It really wasn't hard to identify in others what at one time had been so prevalent in me.
But then I came across this little independent church, that had some questionable lineage of it's own, it was born out of the disruption of another church. And although not perfect, of course I knew the chance of any church being perfect was blown the minute I walked through it's doors, it has become home.
I have never sought perfection. I can't tell you how many times I have had people tell me, 'Well no church is perfect' as an excuse for a lack of integrity, accountability, honesty, authenticity and innocence. I'm not looking for perfection, that would be stupid, that isn't going to happen. I just want to be connected and work out my faith with people who are honest about who they are and what they are, sinners in need of a Saviour! I want to be with people who want to make a difference to whatever degree God grants them the grace to do. Enough with the 'change the world' challenges and calls. How about changing the world we actually live in starting with ourselves. How about realizing we are not two clicks away from the person living under the bridge. I honestly believe if a person doesn't get that, that they don't get it.
Evangelism at it's core is simply, 'one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.'
What I have found at this little church is leadership that is accountable to an appropriate degree, innocence, a willingness to take a risk if it will benefit the community of faith, integrity and authenticity. Ordinary people seeking to do an extraordinary thing, change lives, one person at a time. Facilitating a real relationship with the Lord, that is based on His strength, His holiness, His compassion and His beauty. Gosh it's kind of a 'it is not I who lives, but Christ who lives in me', thing.

I am happy to be a part of this place, glad that I get to contribute with my life experience, talents and gifts, it helps me to know that those things which have been gained at a price, can be put to good use somewhere.

Like I wrote earlier church today is wide open, it's like going to Cold Stone for ice cream and coming up with whatever combination you want. I'm not advocating this, nor saying it's best, but it is, what it is. The key is in the ingredients. At the core is there integrity, accountability, honesty, compassion and a big old portion of God's grace. Is there an honest, fair and practical understanding of the Word of God, not a rigid and often times unfair use of the Bible to guilt, shame and beat people into compliance.
I have always encouraged those I have had influence with to not check their Bible and brains when they walk through the doors of the church. Listen, watch, think about where you are, what is being said.
If we are going to have a positive, encouraging and beneficial experience with 'church', we need to be engaged and we need to care.
I'm happy I'm 'back', I know Jesus loves His bride as fragmented as she might be, wherever you belong, make sure it's a place that has the beauty of the Lord on it.


Anonymous said...

great post and good to hear :-)

Anonymous said...

One thing that can bring the beauty of the Lord to any church, or anywhere for that matter is to bring it out from within, to love fellow worshippers unconditionally with a love that can only come from God shining into your heart and back out into the world.

Anonymous said...

Just read your latest entry, having pulled out of church 7 years ago it was inspiring to hear what you said about the church thing, say hi to Noah from John A -England